Welcome to Arrow 127 Apparel!

Jul 1st 2023

Hey y'all!  We are so glad you are here!  We started this company with hopes to bring fun and fresh apparel and gear to you and your family.  We are a Christian family raising our daughter, Arrow on or homestead in North Carolina.  My husband Jonathan and I (Gabrielle) met each other at church - I served in the cafe and he played drums on the worship team.  We got married and shortly after found out that we were expecting our first baby girl!  We had names picked out, but God had other plans :) The Lord placed the name Arrow on my heart, and once we found out our baby was a girl we knew that she would be our sweet Arrow!  I prayed every day that she would be a strong and straight Arrow pointed towards the Lord.  We are raising her to love and praise Jesus and we want to share our love for Jesus through our clothing.  When I was younger God placed Psalm 127 in my heart as a way of promising children.  I knew then that I would become a mother, and this verse has stuck with me through it all.  We praise Jesus for our Arrow and cannot wait to share some of our favorites with you!!

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,

the fruit of the womb a reward,

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior

are the children of one's youth.

Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!

He shall not be put to shame

when he speaks with his enemies in the


Psalm 127: 3-5